Tartu University Hospital в Tartu

Коронавирус (COVID-19) Ситуация

подтвержденные случаи




ЭстонияTartu University Hospital



🕗 время открытия

1a, Ludvig Puusepa, 50406, Tartu, EE Estonia
контакты телефон: +372 731 8111
Веб-сайт: www.kliinikum.ee
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 58.3675924, Longitude: 26.7039179

Комментарии 5

  • Ethel Rahumägi

    Ethel Rahumägi


    Aitäh teile, et EMO ootesaalis lasite oodata 5-6h. Aitäh teile, et selle ajaga lõhkes lapsel pimesool. Aitäh klienditeenidajatele kes said ennast välja elada kui nende fb-s istumist segada julgesin. Ma saan täitsa aru, et teie jaoks see kõik on liinitöö ja arstid saavad vähe palka... Me kõik saame vähe palka, see ei anna õigust inimest kohelda kui järjekordset segavat putukat kes ei lase rahus süüa, telefoni näppida ja omavahel jutustada.

  • Henry Viigimets

    Henry Viigimets


    Kaua peab keegi ootama kuni lõpuks ettevõetakse? Uuringud olid juba isikul tehtud luuninis ja saadeti emosse... ja siis lihtsalt istu ja oota ja vaata kuidas hiljem tulnud isikud saavad enne sind vastuvõtule... täiesti masendav on see erakorraline... isegi klienditeenindaja suhtumine on selline et mine tapa ennast pigem ära

  • Toni-Pekka Piirakka

    Toni-Pekka Piirakka


    I had a delayed allergic reaction to ionide used in CT scan at EMO. Allergy that caused a rash everywhere. I went back and got cortisone from DR who examined the rash. The next day I got yet another allergic reaction and my throat started tingling and hurting. I went back to EMO, and while checking in, the nurse dragged me away from the desk and told me I have a panic attack and nothing is wrong with me. I tried to tell her that I am actually very calm and I'm here because of the allergy and sore throat but she did not listen. She just kept telling me I have a panic attack and said I will need to wait an hour to see a doctor, so I can go and wait now. I went outside to have a cigarette because the nurses behaviour upset me. She did not listen. Then, she came running after me, screaming that I don't have anything at all because I am smoking. I told her that I don't know what kind of nurse she is but if she listened to what has happened, instead of making diagnosis based on nothing I would be pleased. I went back in, they told me I have to fill out paperwork that was left unfinished due to the nurse dragging me away from the reception. While I was filling the paper work, a doctor who was with the nurse started screaming through the glass that I have nothing at all, and I am here for no reason. I was humiliated and she broke my patient privacy, as everyone in the ER room could hear her yelling. I asked her to calm down and talk about this privately but she refused, and just kept going. I was left untreated and was basically ignored on purpose by every on-call dr there. Everyone but me got to see a doctor, people coming after me, everyone who was there at the same time as me etc. I was basically being bullied. So, I went to the doctor and asked her to call my husband who is about to graduate as a dr. He would like to talk to her, because this situation is not okay. She refused to call him and said she would not take me in anyway, so I should probably go home. As my throat was itchy and sore, I could not just leave. I needed to have it checked. Finally, after 5hrs I decided to go and talk to another nurse who admitted I was being ignored on purpose because this doctor and nurse were angry at me for some reason. When I finally found out what was wrong with my throat (hoarse voice, swelling, pain, tingling and itching), I was happy and ready to go home. Apparently the throat was inflamed due to cortisone and since I had never taken it before, it was a new substance that my body reacted badly to. So I would need to stop taking it right away. Then, I got my patient file and when I opened it I was in shock. It was full of complete lies about what happened, and the two had apparently agreed to lie about My behaviour, and called me almost hysterical. There were so many blatant lies about what happened and what was said, that I had to file an complaint. I'm lucky that my husband was with me when most of it happened, so he saw how the behaved and how I tried to calm them down. I do NOT RECOMMEND this ER to anyone who isn't local or does not speak Estonian. Go to a private doctor. It's quick and you get treatment instead of attitude and filthy lies on your patient file.

  • peterandcigdem



    Professional staff, pleasant to work with

  • Giedrius Z

    Giedrius Z


    Thanks for help :)

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