Hotel Imperial в Tallinn

ЭстонияHotel Imperial



🕗 время открытия

Понедельникоткрыт 24 часа
Вторникоткрыт 24 часа
Средаоткрыт 24 часа
Четверготкрыт 24 часа
Пятницаоткрыт 24 часа
Субботаоткрыт 24 часа
Воскресеньеоткрыт 24 часа
14, Nunne, 10133, Tallinn, EE Estonia
контакты телефон: +372 627 4800
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 59.4388306, Longitude: 24.7422654

Комментарии 5

  • Andrew J Pearson

    Andrew J Pearson


    Just stayed at the hotel imperial Tallinn 4-7 of August room 209 the room was nicely cleaned staff friendly & good choice of breakfast. It is well placed for the old town & town hall square with plenty of options for eating out. I would definitely recommend this hotel .

  • Rodolfo Archbold

    Rodolfo Archbold


    Location of this hotel was ideal to tour the lovely old town in Tallinn. The room size was adequate, although sparce on furniture . Beds were too low to the ground, and no air condition during a very warm summer. Breakfast buffet options were adequate. Staff helped us with providing a fan, after we asked for it.

  • Kian Low

    Kian Low


    Excellent location within the old town walls. Pretty facade. However, no air conditioning, so my room 204 feels like a sauna in July. Room faces street, so is noisy at night with windows opened. Breakfast well laid out, and nice breakfast area. Hot food doesn't get refilled, so you need to be there earlier to have the full choice. Room is clean. Bed mattress is old, thin, and springy. Table lamps not working.

  • Elaine Herrick

    Elaine Herrick


    Because the hotel stated on its website that there was air conditioning and even had a snowflake symbol next to it, we booked the room at THIS particular hotel. When we arrived, it was a very hot day and we were told there was NO air conditioning in the hotel at all. We asked for our money back, but we were told the owner would not refund it. We were asked to try the room anyway for one night, so we agreed because it was so late in the evening to find another hotel. We were given Room 212, and it was so hot that we woke up throughout the night sweating. We could not open the windows because the traffic outside on the street was so loud that we could not sleep. Also, the room was so small that my husband could touch the wall from one side of the room to the other. The sheets looked as if they had not been changed, and one of the two lamps in the room was broken. It was the most miserable night we have ever had in a hotel. The next morning we were given another room, Room 214, which appeared to be a better room because it was larger. However, when we went into the bathroom there was a strange kind of smoke coming out of the lights in the ceiling. I started coughing and ran out of the bathroom. We left and went sightseeing, but when we returned that evening, there was a layer of dust all over the toilet lid, the sink, the floor, and our bag with our toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. it was disgusting, and we had to clean the entire bathroom before we could get into the shower. When we complained to management, he said that he would have the maid clean up the bathroom in the morning. When we asked what this dust was, he said that there was some construction going on in the room above us and probably the dust had filtered down through the floor. This ordeal was beginning to feel like the room from hell! When we told management that we needed to be compensated for the lies on the website and the risk to our health from all the dust in the bathroom, we were told that the owner would not consider it. Without a doubt, this was the worst experience we have ever had and feel that we should have had our money refunded or at least have some kind of compensation. This was a pure case of fraud!

  • sorin fisteag

    sorin fisteag


    All in all ok. We had a room that was overlooking a pretty busy street, so at night it tends to get loud in the weekend, but mostly after 1-2 am it gets quiet. The bed mattress was very old and uncomfortable.

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