Prisma Peremarket AS - Peakontor в Tallinn

ЭстонияPrisma Peremarket AS - Peakontor



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A.H.Tammsaare tee 118d, 2 korpus, 4 korrus, 12918 Tallinn, Estonia
контакты телефон: +372 680 9600
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 59.4115618, Longitude: 24.6796229

Комментарии 5

  • Aflatek



    I recommend :)

  • Olka Nezemnaya

    Olka Nezemnaya


    Best place to shop during bad weather - underground parking rules!

  • endel maas

    endel maas


    All prisma stores are noce and cheap

  • Maik Suhkur

    Maik Suhkur


    Best of...

  • Erkki Kvell

    Erkki Kvell


    Today is a Mother's Day! In Estonia we are buying flowers twice a year- on 8. of March and on the second Sunday of May. March 8. is still considered to be a post Soviet holiday so that day is popular among the immigrant population mostly. Mother's Day though is celebrated all over the globe including US . Everybody are buying tons of flowers for their moms and that's a wonderful tradition! So what happens in PRISMA on Mothers Day? Each supermarket has quite substantial flower department, so you could expect these departments to be loaded with flowers when Mother's Day comes. After all it is the nr. 1 flowers selling day of the year! Went to Kristine Prisma this morning. I am a regular there cause I live near by. Quite frankly I was shocked by the fact that flower department was completely wiped out empty- nothing to buy! No, roses , no tulips - nothing! So what is the logical train of though here? The purpose of PRISMA is to serve the needs of local community right! But since this is a company based on Finnish capital, I sort of assume that the main goal of it's shareholders is to sell and make money! Please correct me if I am wrong! So if I was a head of flower department in Krtisne Prisma I would probably do everything in my power to be ready for the biggest flower day of the year and generate wonderful revenue from it! Sounds like no brainer to me! :) That store was backed with people looking to buy flowers! And they were all left disappointed! It remains me of Soviet times in Estonia when winter always came unexpectedly and no one was ready for it. It was always a requiring manifestation of carelessness and stupidity. Same here. Evidently these people just do not care. They don't want to serve the community and make money for their shareholders. They are sitting somewhere in the office , killing time and being absolutely useless. Why would anybody in PRISMA want to sell flowers on Mother's Day and make a buck out of it? Good question! If I was a general manager of PRISMA PEREMARKET, I would fire that person on spot! Truth is - bad hire strengthens the competition hand. So I went and got my flowers elsewhere... Running a retail business takes a sharp mind and good planning skills. Therefore you need good people. If you care that is. Or maybe we all should be more tolerant here and just face the fact that doing things half fast is the via Estonia- the Estonian way!

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