Qvalitas Arstikeskus AS Lõõtsa keskus Tallinn i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandQvalitas Arstikeskus AS Lõõtsa keskus Tallinn



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5, Lõõtsa, 11415, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 605 1500
internet side: www.qvalitas.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.4212511, Longitude: 24.8027863

kommentar 5

  • Сергей Ахинько

    Сергей Ахинько


    Проходил обследование по работе. Отличный персонал. Сделали все быстро и качественно.

  • Regina Kolk

    Regina Kolk


    "Времени нет, графика нет, позвоните сами через неделю, а то мы забудем". Гениальное обслуживание!

  • Alina Raetsep

    Alina Raetsep


    Went there to sort out health certificate for the driver's license. The doctor and nurses were very nice, all went smoothly and when I requested a paper copy of the certificate I was given one. But it was all down to the doctor being very accommodating.

  • Alexey Prostotin

    Alexey Prostotin


    Проходил контроль здоровья от работы. Все быстро, все по делу, анализ крови, кардиограмма и так далее. В помещении очень комфортно чувствуешь. Один самый большой минус - парковка, так что, планировать приезд надо минут за 10 до назначенного времени, чтобы найти место.

  • Javier Ortiz

    Javier Ortiz


    Really bad service. I went to make a health certificate to renew my driving licence, and I was told that they uploaded directly in the system (I asked in case for a papercopy but they told me they couldn´t do it). When I was in ARK to finish the process, it wasn´t in the system. After calling several times, the doctor told me that they have problems with the IT system, and that they couldn´t upload it. So all my morning lost and so far no solution given. Go somewhere else if you need anything.

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