SUSHIMON sushi & wine i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandSUSHIMON sushi & wine



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47, Tartu maantee, 10128, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 655 9559
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.431813, Longitude: 24.7677749

kommentar 5

  • Ceilis Keermann

    Ceilis Keermann


    Great place to have lunch! Not so crowded, fast ans nice service.

  • Kristo põlluvee

    Kristo põlluvee


    Great place to get some good sushi! Reasonable prices and delicious food. What I liked the most was the tea! They have the most amazing tea in town. The staff was nice, friendly and helpful. The place itself was very clean. All in all a very good place to visit if you love sushi or Japanese cultural food in general.

  • Serguei Petchenko

    Serguei Petchenko


    I have to say I was pleasantly surprised after my first visit here. Small but yet nice place, good quality sushi/maki and cheap prices. For the daily lunch offer starts from 4e with a miso soup and a set of maki!

  • clarice Laus

    clarice Laus


    It has a very good rice and fresh fish

  • Kadi Varda

    Kadi Varda


    Decent sushi with many options. Rolls tend to get too big, but the same problem occurs at many sushi places. I like their riceless tempura roll with different seafood filling.

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