Town Hall Square Apartments i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandTown Hall Square Apartments



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11, Kullassepa, 10146, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 550 7498
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4367064, Longitude: 24.7449473

kommentar 5

  • Kimio Kanasugi

    Kimio Kanasugi


    Reception is not opening 24 hours. In the room, coffee maker wz coffee powder ( not instant , drip paper ). Electric kitchen heater refrigerator bath tab are equipped. Very convenient location reasonable price.

  • Jonathan Jonas

    Jonathan Jonas


    Great location, easy check in

  • David Gill

    David Gill


    Nice clean place. In the middle of the old town

  • monika tosovska

    monika tosovska


    This place is full of character. We travelled by car and there is a big car park that was behind the gate so there was no need to worry about anyone breaking in so that's always a bonus. The apartment was amazing and very short walk to city centre. We would definitely return and stay in this place. Next time we will try the sauna

  • Yana Maksimochkina

    Yana Maksimochkina


    Great location, friendly helpful staff, clean apartment with an American style coffee machine and facilities to make your own food. I'm mostly impressed by professionalism and a genuine friendly nature of receptionists. Solid 5 stars!

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