Valvekliinik OÜ i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandValvekliinik OÜ



🕗 åbningstider

48a, Pärnu maantee, 10119, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 5911 0909
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4277007, Longitude: 24.7420937

kommentar 5

  • Alexis M

    Alexis M


    Helpful friendly doctors here

  • Patrik Palm

    Patrik Palm


    Dont go here! I was promised by the clinic to get my medicines for panicdissorder and sleeping dissorder before i leave tomorrow abroad for one month! Wrote them suverän times, But no answer! Go to a bigger clinic instead like "Sinu arst" or "Confido"!!!! They are cheaper and keep there promises! They take 40-50 euros for a doctors visit and prescription! Valvekliniik take 80 euros for the same! NEVER again!!!!@

  • Adam Larger

    Adam Larger


    excellent professional service in english, without the trouble of applying to GP and waiting. They have always helped me and my wife with great accuracy of determining what wrong. Would strongly recommend.

  • Simon Melzner

    Simon Melzner


    Professional service in english language, as a tourist I can strongly recommend!

  • R E Broadley

    R E Broadley


    they took over 1 week to tell me they lost my blood and urine samples and needed to take them again, during which time my symptoms got much worse and needing to attend emergency department

nærmeste Hospital

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