Eckerö Line AB OY Eesti filiaal i Tallinn

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EstlandEckerö Line AB OY Eesti filiaal



🕗 åbningstider

25, Sadama, 10111, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 900 1500
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.444477, Longitude: 24.761417

kommentar 5

  • Lauri Kreutzwald

    Lauri Kreutzwald


    Great finnish ship company. The night travel option is the cheaprst. No wifi in the cabin. No great enentainment on the night time. No shops open on the night time. You can buy some snacs or digarets from the info desk. Early wake up in the morning. Best and sheapest to buy the ticets from online.

  • en

    Jenni Rintaniemi


    Clean bathrooms

  • P Kaitz

    P Kaitz


    I just took it from Helsinki but this was a really nice ship. They didn't have American Spirits in the duty free but I haven't seen those since Copenhagen. If anybody knows where to get them in Tallinn, or for that matter anywhere in the Baltics, please email me first name initial last name all one word at the google mail service. These are pretty random photos but they were taken from inside the ship, obviously.

  • David Lin

    David Lin


    A pleasant ocean terminal in Tallinn.

  • en

    Jouni Välilä


    A bit slower than Tallink (Helsinki-Tallinn), but we use this frequently because the price is usually better and they have 100 times better buffet than Tallink. If you ride with this, definitely take the buffet. I strongly recommend.

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