GOSPA / Georg Ots Spa Hotel i Kuressaare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandGOSPA / Georg Ots Spa Hotel



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2, Tori, 93810, Kuressaare, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 455 0000
internet side: www.gospa.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 58.246199, Longitude: 22.4712059

kommentar 5

  • Olena Levenets

    Olena Levenets


    The place itself it nice, small cozy spa. But the hotel was a disappointment. Blood stain on the mattress cover, poorly vacuumed floor, broken fridge with warm mini bar inside.

  • Häli Välja

    Häli Välja


    Family-friendly spa. Always friendly staff. Best spa on the island.

  • en

    Hendrik Osula


    Good hotel and decent Spa. Unfortunately there is no big pool for swimming, also there were few tubs. Only saunas were great! Restaurant was good, but nothing extraordinary.

  • Rene Mitt

    Rene Mitt


    Overall I am satisfied with the hotel. I think personal is very positively minded and helpful. I would recommend to pay more attention on the interior. Rooms are more simple than I expect. Breakfast is on small snack bar table and hotel is on weekend overcrowded.

  • en

    Leonid Malikov


    Good service, nice rooms, deco with a style, standard issue aqua-center.. nothing to especially complain about, and nothing special or unique to bring up at the same time. Worth the money if you’d like just like to have a good rest.

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