Hotel Metropol i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandHotel Metropol



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13, Roseni, 10111, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 667 4500
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.43974, Longitude: 24.755241

kommentar 5

  • alim haqqani

    alim haqqani


    It was a good hotel staff is very nice and welcoming room service is good

  • Tita Arntsen

    Tita Arntsen


    This Hotel although centrally located, is not what they present themselves to be. The Floors in the Rooms are falling apart and there are bits of delaminating Floor everywhere. The Shower does not drain, so you stand up to your ankles in water that comes up from the drain. Beds are narrow and not long enough. Pillows are uncomfortable and the size of a postage stamp. Front Desk Personnel is not very helpful and does not know what they are doing. Every time you ask them something, they do not know or cannot help you. To use the Pool next door, which is connected to the Hotel, you have to pay 12 Euros, but it is free if you are staying on that side. When we wanted to use it, it was closed, due to a private Event or something. The only helpful person was a young man in the Restaurant, who had the morning shift. Unfortunately I cannot remember his name. He had a lip ring, tattoos and braids in his beard :-)

  • Jamie Doyle

    Jamie Doyle


    Hotel was nice and in a great location. Staff were friendly, informative and welcoming. Lobby decor was nice however room could do with facelift. Need better curtains and aircon for summer months due to heat and light in this part of the world. For the price paid however it was excellent value.

  • Danie Cutter

    Danie Cutter


    Pleasant hotel and very reasonably priced. We chose this for the location as it was less than ten minutes walk from the Old Town and equidistant to the Ferry Terminal. We did also walk to the International Bus Station when we left, 30 minutes. Some but not a lot vegetarian choice for breakfast but otherwise a good mix of hot and cold. Equally the onsite pizza place cooked better than expected pizzas. Rooms basic but we spent most of our time out in town anyway.

  • Koen Schrier

    Koen Schrier


    Great hotel! We booked with a large group of 16 people and it was better than expected. The breakfast was good, the beds where nice and warm, the rooms where good and the shower was big as well.

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