Katusekohvik i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Viru 13/15 4th floor, 10140 Tallinn, Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 526 6123
internet side: www.katusekohvik.ee
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Latitude: 59.4368367, Longitude: 24.748837

kommentar 5

  • natálie hartová

    natálie hartová


    We sat there in the nearly empty restaurant for 10 minutes and no one came to give us any service, so we just left. The waiters knew we were there, because they looked at as a few times, but couldn't be bothered to come over.

  • Janis Ozols

    Janis Ozols


    Was here 4 years ago, fell in love with this cool place, but! Last week visited this spot and was disappointed by choice of catering. Sushi? Really? Feels upsetting.

  • pisikiizu Päike

    pisikiizu Päike


    Amazing place to go for a cocktail. Barmen are very good and friendly - also enjoy joking wityh you and making good suggestions. They know how to make excellent cocktails! ❤️ Location is very good, on Viru Street, near all the pubs and restaurants. Interior decoration is very chick and subtle. There are nice corners for groups to come chill. Atmosphere is very calm and chilled, so best place for relaxing and taking couple of drinkks before heading to nightclub. They also offer shisha and food. Client Service is mainly warm and friendly, and they also speak good English 😁 They have an outside area also opened in the summer, so you can see the people walking on Viru Street. That area is also used by smokers, so if you do not like smoking, then better sit inside or pay attention what is the wind direction to hide. Outside area inside the cafe is not good for those people who do not like smoking, since the area is small and you will definately will be influened by the smoke.

  • Aet Annist

    Aet Annist


    Cool place with interesting choice of food and drink, nice outside area. Located in the old town by thr main shopping street.

  • Dolores Eamets

    Dolores Eamets


    Waiting time is long, but the employees are very down to earth and kind. Food is good value for money and the shisha is great.

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