Kauksi telklaager ja kämpingud i Kauksi

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EstlandKauksi telklaager ja kämpingud



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Kauksi telklaager, Kauksi, 41008 Ida-Viru maakond, Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 5305 7211
internet side: www.telklaager.ee
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Latitude: 58.9920032, Longitude: 27.2413266

kommentar 5

  • Indrek Luide

    Indrek Luide


    Overpriced for what is offered.

  • Darren Spivey

    Darren Spivey


    The beaches were perfect. The water shallow and warm. This campsite is obviously very popular with families. If you are looking for a quiet and peaceful campsite, you may want to look elsewhere. If you are looking for a spot to spend a few days with your families or groups of friends it's ideal. It's perfect if you don't need restful sleep but good for parties. Camping here is free but there is a charge per car, 4 euros. Keep driving to the end for a quieter location. The park could do with more toilets as there seems to be a tendence of just using the bushes, which can be quite grim.

  • Ln Poli

    Ln Poli


    Not for everyone but I liked it (stayed one afternoon and one night) _ the campsite is splendidly located off the shore of the lake, only crossing a minor road and into a pine forest. The camping ground itself is a dream, with benches, tables for picnic and fire pits for BBQ along with each seating area, in a pine forestry, Only concer,n if you are not familiar, with the Baltic Countries facilities, is when it comes to toilets and showers, it's not yet up to scratch, it might come, but it is like everywhete else I have been piching so far. . Toilets are down pits, 3 sharing with side wooden walls as only privacy, there are also 2 portaloos for the campsite, showers are two together, with one washbasin, in a separate building which key you will get at reception until 10pm, for 4e.. It is however a nice location and the little restaurant have a few good bites to eat, alongside extremely friendly staff 😉 the beach is totally kids friendly. The campsite is motorbike friendly but avoid the sand track where road bikes can get a bit of a wobble. Of course like anywhere else, DO NOT DRINK TAP WATER., not even brushed my teeth with it, it is fairly brown, but it is not due to campsite fault 👍

  • Tereza Nečasová

    Tereza Nečasová


    One of the worst campsites I've ever been to. We stayed there for one night in a tent. The price was 5 per person, 5 for a car standing next to the tent, which is already a thing not mentioned by their website. But okay. The campsite is in a forest with very nice surroundings and good outside seatings. BUT! They want 4 euros for the shower? Like seriously? The dry toilets are DISGUSTING and there's no sink to wash your dishes or whatsoever. Totally not worth the money.

  • David Iwanow

    David Iwanow


    Nice enough spot just €3 to park the car for the whole day, plenty of parking spots just a few minutes walk to the beach.

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