King Boutique Hotel i Narva

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandKing Boutique Hotel


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9, Sergei Lavretsovi, 20307, Narva, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 357 2404
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Latitude: 59.3796959, Longitude: 28.1947205

kommentar 5

  • Анфиса



    В Эстонии были впервые, друзья посоветовали отель King. Действительно отель оказался замечательным. Мужу очень понравились завтраки. А мне местоположение отеля и чистота в номерах. Планируем приехать еще раз летом в отель King. Всем советуем!!! Спасибо работникам отеля!

  • Fis Delacroix

    Fis Delacroix


    С мужем были в отеле в декабре, очень понравилось. Небольшие, но очень чистые и уютные номера. Дружелюбный персонал.

  • Jackob Wells

    Jackob Wells


    Awful hotel! For narva very expensive. Restaurant awful too. We ordered soup, meat and dessert.( I like spicy food) but soup was too spicy that neither me nor my friends can't eat it. Meat was oversalted and for dessert were Belgium waffles and they gave to us spoons for them😐. It was really difficult to eat big waffles with a dessert spoons.

  • Joni Seppälä

    Joni Seppälä


    Quite basic hotel for the price. All the important things are there: helpful staff and a small room with comfortable beds and a bathroom with air conditioning. The bathroom should be better soundproof and should have curtains for the shower - now you end up wetting the floor and your socks. It was mentioned that the breakfast is included in the price but that was not the case - you'll end up paying 5€ for every breakfast.

  • Thomas Soininen

    Thomas Soininen


    Affordable stay in downtown Narva. The room was tiny, but had the bare necessities. The staff was welcoming, and even though they couldn't find our booking due to a slight issue with their computer, our room was made available to us within a couple of minutes.

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