Kuressaare Airport (URE) i Kuressaare

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandKuressaare Airport (URE)


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1, Roomassaare tee, 93815, Kuressaare, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 453 0313
internet side: www.kuressaare-airport.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 58.2321586, Longitude: 22.5054258

kommentar 5

  • Henry Mark Esop

    Henry Mark Esop


    The airport is really good, staff is wonderful. But the airline that flyies to there ( Transaviabaltika ) is the worst airline in Europe. Saddly it is the only on that flies to there, but please AVOID TRANSAVIABALTIKA !! It is life-threatening, seriously

  • en

    Emil Nilsson


    Very helpful staff! Nice little airport.

  • Jake PARK

    Jake PARK


    A clean and perfectly sized airport standing on the Saaremaa island with helpful staffs, spa and even guest houses for long Connections! It is situated in a perfect location since from here you can visit Estonia and Saaremmaa easily, hop on a ferry to Stockholm or Helnski, take a train to Riga or Tallinn and connect to Europe via. airport! Amazing

  • Mert Nesvat

    Mert Nesvat


    Cutest airport in Europe! It's so small makes it easier to feel uniqueness of the flight.

  • Florian Rhyn

    Florian Rhyn


    They have a small AVGAS 100LL fuel tank, the airport was very friendly and welcoming for small General Aviation aircraft (Cessna and our group of classic aircraft). We will come back!

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