Lasnamäe Centrumi Rimi hyper i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandLasnamäe Centrumi Rimi hyper



🕗 åbningstider

13, Mustakivi, 13912, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 605 6500
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4400937, Longitude: 24.8632378

kommentar 5

  • Dominic gamm

    Dominic gamm


    Good wonderful I loved it was a day trip but we when at night and if was kl and I like the difference setting and there is good wheelchair parking and access to all places there and my whole family loved it and enjoy it and the would like to go again I would advise of people to go her becuse it for all age and I would go with my 2 son and everything and the some cub that stay open late and if u were to take a picture of some as advertisement or taking a weird picture of a or family it good for dog u can eat out side and the is toilet for both genders and there whaters and I give it 5 stars because I'm very pleased about it and I would 100% go back

  • karin paas

    karin paas


    Good shopping place, Swedbank, SEB

  • Gera Altan0x

    Gera Altan0x


    Awesome centre with everything you need, first in the neighbourhood.

  • Aleksandr Komarov

    Aleksandr Komarov


    Large store, good selection at decent prices, sometimes has some great deals.

  • v s

    v s


    Rimi hyper is one-stop-shop type store that offers the widest and highest quality product range. They have all the products that you need in addition you can buy warm ready food & they have salad bar. Rimi is located at Lasnamäe Centrum shopping center, they have parking lot for 850 cars.

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