Looming Hostel i Tartu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandLooming Hostel



🕗 åbningstider

38, Kastani, 50410, Tartu, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 5699 4398
internet side: www.loominghostel.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 58.3719006, Longitude: 26.7142498

kommentar 5

  • Konstantin Epikhin

    Konstantin Epikhin


    Very nice hostel with friendly staff. And has a perfect open air area on the rooftop

  • Dainis Lijurovs

    Dainis Lijurovs


    you can meet other people there.

  • Cyprien Chiatoh

    Cyprien Chiatoh


    Amazing place with great host. Ideal for group lodging with great spot for BBQ

  • Simeon Smeltzer

    Simeon Smeltzer


    I stayed in around 7 different hostels while I was in Estonia, and this one is my favorite! Looming Hostel is very warm, welcoming, and echo friendly. If you love the cozy hostel atmosphere, like I do, then you will be happy here. Also, everyone working there is awesome! Please say hi for me!

  • Taavi Rand

    Taavi Rand


    Really cozy and friendly place! Best hostel in Estonia!!! I have lived in hostels more than half year of my life and it's hard to find so helpful staff, clean & cozy place 😚 They even left me a letter when I arrived after the staff had left. Great work guys!

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