Mahedik i Pärnu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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20, Pühavaimu, 80011, Pärnu, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 442 5393
internet side:
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Latitude: 58.3842404, Longitude: 24.5015003

kommentar 5

  • Esa Laine

    Esa Laine


    Price and size of portions doesn't match at all. Locals seems to get better service (bread for starters which is not in the menu).

  • Nesli Hazal Akbulut

    Nesli Hazal Akbulut


    We stayed in Pärnu for 4 days and visited this great cafe every day! We ate here breakfast, lunch and dinner and they were all soo delicious. The staff is very friendly and the ambience is great too! Whether you are looking for a cake and coffee time or a place to have dinner, this place is highly recommended!

  • Christer Enfors

    Christer Enfors


    Sadly I have to update my previously five star review to the stars, since they've changed the menu since I was here last time. Apparently they have a new cook since this spring, and the menu has been totally redone. The dish on the picture, which was a personal favorite, is no longer available. And I thought it was odd for a 14€ meat dish to not include potates; you'll have to pay extra to order them on the side.

  • Elizabet Riddl

    Elizabet Riddl


    Really cozy place in the heart of old town. We've ate here 2 years ago and tried it now -the food quality is awesome! All the ingredients are fresh and prepared with taste. Amazing pastry! Best place in town for breakfast. Quick service and friendly staff. Quite busy on weekends.

  • Aivo A

    Aivo A


    Very good food and very friendly stuff! Go and eat there and very beautiful art on the walls! Just go there and watch and test yourself! 😊

nærmeste Cafe

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