Maxima XX Stroomi i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandMaxima XX Stroomi



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20, Tuulemaa, 10316, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 8002 121
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4473267, Longitude: 24.6924122

kommentar 5

  • Irving Tremont

    Irving Tremont


    Here you can find everything you need and low prices. Great place to save.

  • Jan de Vries

    Jan de Vries


    The customer service here in this Maxima is a catastrophe ... horrible! The disorder of the products is great. The feeling what this employees send to the customers is so bad! Zero motivation! Sad to see this. Lucky to no other Maxima supermarket where the employees are very friendly and helpful! It seems like a retro mentality of former Sowjet time behaviour...

  • Aivar Otsing

    Aivar Otsing


    good fresh meat selection and service @ my visit time

  • Beanie Wolf

    Beanie Wolf


    Easily accessible, wide range of cheap products available. But the organizing of the store is untrackable, hard to find anything and even harder to find the price once you find the product, the employees are no help either being grumpy, unmotivated and clueless, things thrown about on the shelves for days. Aggressive security staff with a strong language barrier. For instance, a young disabled man was having trouble seeing where to walk since the lighting is way too bright in the shop, stumbled to find sunglasses and put them on, wanting to buy them, 5 minutes later two security staff members came up to him barging the man with questions in russian, the man tried to explain that he was going to buy the glasses and won't be able to get out the store without them. The security guard ripped off the Glasses and threw them out of reach. The young man had a seizure, ambulance was called and later the mans partner had to go in and fetch his groceries in order to buy them along with the glasses.

  • Gera Altan0x

    Gera Altan0x


    Awesome shop with big selection of very different food, bought fresh mussels there!

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