Merchants House Hotel i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandMerchants House Hotel



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4/6, Dunkri, 10123, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 697 7500
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4370424, Longitude: 24.7437747

kommentar 5

  • Simona Serdiuc

    Simona Serdiuc


    Beautiful old building, great atmosphere, lovely staff

  • Nikolay Georgiev

    Nikolay Georgiev


    Visited in winter time. Room was extremely cold, AC was not working, neither was the central heating. Thank goodness there was floor heating in the bathroom, which kinda made the stay a bit more pleasurable. We have told the staff about the issue, but nobody cared as we were there for a short stay. Also the room we booked was not the same as advertised.

  • Rozalinda Stojova

    Rozalinda Stojova


    Nice hotel, kind staff, pleasant rooms, excellent location, the best beer house across the street. Lacking elevator is the only thing, the hotel should work on.

  • Gordon Ross

    Gordon Ross


    Very well situated in central Tallinn. One of the oldest buildings around.

  • Scott Miller

    Scott Miller


    Room was clean and had all amenities. Full, hot breakfast was included. Service was excellent. Building was historic and interesting. Location was excellent.

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