Pub Wironia i Jõhvi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandPub Wironia



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7, Rakvere, 41531, Jõhvi, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 336 4204
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.3587061, Longitude: 27.4102262

kommentar 5

  • Sofia Terjohhina

    Sofia Terjohhina


    Would recommend this place. I always come back here for a steak! So good

  • Daniil Solomykov

    Daniil Solomykov


    Tasty meat menu, but strange interior.

  • Ed Opski

    Ed Opski


    Good pub - nice food and atmosphere.

  • Lord Russell F. Thompson

    Lord Russell F. Thompson


    Had lunch today, impressive. This is the second time this year I have said that the food was good. Tables need to be kept clean and the furniture is dated, looked dirty. Prices were very good as well. The other restaurants in Estonia should take note. Will be going back for sure.

  • Liza M

    Liza M


    I came to have a drink with my boyfriend and my cousin, we were looking forward to have a very good time. We entered the bar and I said "Hello" to the waitress standing at the bar and she just stared at me without saying anything and with a really rude expression (she wasn't friendly at all). We then sat ourselves at a table and looked at the instructions on it, it said that you had to call the waitress with some kind of a wireless controller, we pushed it a couple of times. The waitress kept staring at us without moving. After waiting for over 20 minutes we went to another bar. Poor service, if you see the blonde girl with a bun in the bar don't even go in there.

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