Radisson Blu Hotel Olumpia, Tallinn i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandRadisson Blu Hotel Olumpia, Tallinn



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33 Liivalaia Street, 10118 Tallinn, Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 631 5333
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.4301703, Longitude: 24.7579841

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Smith

    Andrew Smith


    This hotel is a little old fashioned the rooms are quite small compared to the newer Radissons but they are clean and comfortable. The staff are friendly and the hotel as a good range of cafes and restaurants on the premises. I would recommend for a business meeting or event but tourists might prefer to be in the heart of the old although this would come at the price of less facilities in the hotel.

  • en

    Justin Donovan


    Stayed one night at the Olumpia after travel plans fell through. The staff was very accommodating and able to get us in on short notice. Will be staying with Radisson again.

  • Shyam A

    Shyam A


    It is a decent hotel for stay for tourist. The staffs are very friendly and answer to the needs promptly. The biggest limitation is the WiFi connection, which has very poor reception in most of the rooms. Even after repeated complain, no actions were taken. There is a wheel chair entrance to the hotel and to the elevator. Only Breakfast is a compliment from 6:30am to 11am.

  • Troyer Puñosangrante

    Troyer Puñosangrante


    I was 4 days there, friendly staff, they read the comments from the reservation, everything clean, good location, close to the airport, the breakfast is very good and worth every cent. Highly recommend the superior room, you have the best views from Tallinn for sure, plus you can access to the swimming pool and gym. :)

  • Pat Luk

    Pat Luk


    Good. Spend 1 night there. Good breakfast buffet. I appreciate take away free coffee which is seldom found in other hotels. Dinner also good. Room is clean and tidy, modern design, had a good sleep. Thank you!

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