Rakvere Theatre i Rakvere

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandRakvere Theatre


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2a, Fr. R. Kreutzwaldi, 44306, Rakvere, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 329 5444
internet side: rakvereteater.ee
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Latitude: 59.3502588, Longitude: 26.3500885

kommentar 5

  • Kirsika Rooney

    Kirsika Rooney


    Nice, clean and small. Vanasti buy soda, snacks and popcorn. Open from wednesday from sunday. Pleasr note - If you take last movie in the evening you can not use toilet after the movie.

  • Rait Rosenberg

    Rait Rosenberg


    Fine establishment :)

  • Peter Treialt

    Peter Treialt


    Theatre 100km outside of Tallinn, should combine with a stay at Rakvere SPA.

  • Taevasilm



    Beautiful theatre located in a small town in Rakvere, Estonia. A nice new cinema was built a few years ago, but brace yourself - if you are 185cm or taller - leg room is an issue. Personally i would rather drive to Tallinn or Tartu to see a movie, than feel cramped legs for two hours straight. I do'nt even know if they have fixed the popcorn machine, as it didnt supply enough to all the customers. Theatre itself is renovated and looks great, the cafè is a nice quiet place to chill. Behind the theatre theres a park with ponds and greenery - be sure to check it out!

  • George On tour

    George On tour


    Rakvere Theatre was established in the fall of 1921, when Rakvere Näitlejate Ring was formed. The building of the Rakvere Theatre was opened with a public ceremony on 24 February 1940, the 22nd anniversary of independent Estonia, the following day the first ever play, August Kitzberg's "Tuulte pöörises" premiered. Rakvere is believed to be the smallest town in Europe, which has its own professional theatre

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