Rocca al Mare Pizzakiosk i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandRocca al Mare Pizzakiosk



🕗 åbningstider

90a, Paldiski maantee, 10618, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 662 2662
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4281316, Longitude: 24.670422

kommentar 5

  • Giovanni Mazzaglia

    Giovanni Mazzaglia


    Nice pizza

  • Mohammadreza Maghoul

    Mohammadreza Maghoul


    The best crispy pizzas with to much cheese and stuff. The coziest pizzakiosk ever

  • Aksel Randlepp

    Aksel Randlepp


    Easy to miss while driving by but certainly worth a stop. They serve thick pan pizza with a large selection of different toppings. The pizza is cooked very nicely, the bottom of the crust is fried crispy and the inside is light and airy. While waiting for the pizza you can take a walk on the Stroomi beach promenade.

  • Sarune Zybartaite

    Sarune Zybartaite


    One of the best pizza places in Tallinn.

  • 魔梨威蕪羅亭



    About 2 years ago, when we just moved to Oismae, this place had best pizza in Tallinn. Not sure what changed for them, but recently the quality of their pizza has went down a lot - it doesn't look delicious anymore, doesn't taste good anymore. Small, dry and disappointing. Same goes for Kalamaja Pizzakiosk. It's a shame, but I'm afraid I cannot recommend this place to anyone now, and won't be visiting it again.

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