Taanilinna Hotell i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandTaanilinna Hotell


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6, Uus, 10111, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 640 6700
internet side: www.taanilinna.com
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Latitude: 59.4377328, Longitude: 24.7504719

kommentar 5

  • Alberto Allia

    Alberto Allia


    A strategic place to visit Tallin: in the city center but in a quiet road. Hotel full of charme with very nice rooms and kind staff. The breakfast is amazing : try the yogurt with jam prepared in preassembled cup. Espresso and all kind of coffee available.

  • Mikko Tamminen

    Mikko Tamminen


    Great atmosphere and service

  • Andrew Sebastian Rothgarn Antonsen

    Andrew Sebastian Rothgarn Antonsen


    Lovely small hotel with an amazing location. The tram to/from the airport stops 5 minutes away. Viru Keskus and Solaris (two shopping malls), City Hall Sqaure and Freedom Square are all within a 15-20 minutes walk, yet located of the main streets. Staff were phenomenal, always smiling and very helpful. Breakfast was small but there was a very good selection of both hot and cold foods. Hotel and room was in good condition especially when you think about the age of the building. There's no lift but what would you expect from an old building? If your room is on the top floor, there's a staircase of 15-20 steps, it isn't steep at all and the staircase is wide enough for a person with a suitcase. It was warm when I was there, but my room (nr. 25) had plenty of large windows that could be opened. Don't expect A/C in such an old building. If you want a true authentic Tallinn Old Town experience you should stay here!

  • Ryan Kwok

    Ryan Kwok


    Stayed apr 2019 sat. Lots of clubs and parties outside with loud voice. If this is ok (to me is ok) then it is 5 star(location staff room)

  • S K-C

    S K-C


    + Cheap, good location, very good breakfast. - Room is dark, no nature light (only small window but the glass is not transparent so you cannot see out.) Furniture dated. When you shower all the water comes over the shower area and then the bathroom floor is all the way wet. The sounds from the room next door/up resonate from the heater (very loud), luckily the night was quiet.

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