Tallinn Airport i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandTallinn Airport



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101, Tartu maantee, 10112, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 605 8888
internet side: www.tallinn-airport.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.4142018, Longitude: 24.8315535

kommentar 5

  • en

    sandra paulus


    Im from Estonia myself and I'm sad to say that at the airport they treat you in a mean and rude manor....I have travelled a lot and security is important...for example when you go to Australia they are strict but fair and friendly. Here on the other hand they make you feel unwelcome. It's a pity.

  • Avo Kirsbaum

    Avo Kirsbaum


    Really lovely airport. Nice and small and everybody inc. Kids, jimguys can enjoy before flight time!

  • en

    Kadi R


    Its nice airport, good options to eat as well. Ps. Most of Staff in check in area various counters (general info, airline info etc) could be more polite in general terms. Say hello and smile etc.

  • en

    Rebecca Thompson


    Nice, clean and not busy. The Tallinn airport is quite small yet still efficient. Security is easy to go through and there are a few shops and cafes but not many. Staff are pleasant and there is excellent free wifi.

  • Donnalyn Morris

    Donnalyn Morris


    'Possibly the most chilled out airport I've been in' to quote my travel companion. Really not busy at all ( Saturday in early May). You can get here easily by bus or tram from town. Even with metal detector going off on me, didn't take long to go through security. Staff efficient but courteous. Like the rest of Tallin, child-friendly okay areas around.

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