Tallinn Viimsi SPA i Haabneeme

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EstlandTallinn Viimsi SPA



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11, Randvere tee, 74001, Haabneeme, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 606 1000
internet side: www.spatallinn.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.5079313, Longitude: 24.8297123

kommentar 5

  • Alexey Elisha Voloshin

    Alexey Elisha Voloshin


    The hotel and the facilities are very nice. The room is absolutely disappointing - no locker, no shelves, no air conditioner, no fans. The room location is toward the road and sunny side - very noisy and hot. Visited in August and the days were very sunny and warm.

  • Jori Rytkönen

    Jori Rytkönen


    Hotel was ok and spa as well. Big minus came from lack of air conditioning. We stayed at 8th floor and the room was very hot. Cannot recommend this hotel on summer time.

  • Jim Kangosjarvi

    Jim Kangosjarvi


    Great SPA, like the sauna with the salt. And also lot of saunas to choose from, worth a visit.

  • Giedre Toleikyte

    Giedre Toleikyte


    Booked massages a week upfront in Spa18+. On sight were informed that they did not actually book the appointments. Poor customer service - no solution. Day plans ruined. Disappointment.

  • Roland Karro

    Roland Karro


    Been now to the regular spa and also spa 18+. Both places are great! Think there's a day ticket as well, but 3 hours is optimal to spend there. Lots of saunas and few different pools. In the 18+ area are honey and salt sauna and also natural mud room, where you can spread or massage yourself with the mud. Really love it, but the full price is quite a lot. Price for the regular spa area is very affordable:)

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