Ülemiste Hotel i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandÜlemiste Hotel


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2, Lennujaama tee, 11101, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 603 2600
internet side: www.ylemistehotel.ee
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Latitude: 59.4196325, Longitude: 24.7939353

kommentar 5

  • Timur Salakhetdinov

    Timur Salakhetdinov


    Nice hotel, close to airport and Technopolis, also shopping mall is in 5 min walk if u need some products, etc.

  • en

    Philip Coles


    Great place good location. Brilliant rooms staff and food

  • Lucy Somers

    Lucy Somers


    A very fleeting visit gave us enough time to enjoy the glamorous lobby, very comfortable bed and immaculately finished bathrooms but not enough time to try the mood lit restaurant. All 2 minutes from Tallinn airport! Excellent.

  • Josh Evilsizor

    Josh Evilsizor


    I happily gave this hotel 4 stars because…  Overall enjoyment of my stay (no major issues or complaints)  Value for the price paid  Cleanliness  Condition of the hotel  Modernity of the hotel  Hotel location (you can walk from the airport!)  Breakfast spread  Bathroom size - standard European small, but not too small.  Real hangers, and plenty of them!  Number of outlets available (Didn’t have to unplug lamps to get a free outlet) I didn’t give this hotel 5 stars because…  Five stars are hard to earn (four stars are still good!)  Minor nuisance items: Shower was just a bit too small (couldn’t wash without rubbing up against curtain)  No hot water machine in the room  No coffee options in the room  Hotel still using comforters that are probably not washed regularly… enough  The gym was very small (five machines?), no free weights, treadmill didn’t work, didn’t open until 6:30 am, and it was only available during breakfast hours -- otherwise €7 per use (which is a completely laughable). I would stay here again. Coffee setup: None Tips:  You can walk here from the airport, very easily.  You can stick a credit card in the power switch when you leave the room -- so your electronics continue charging while you’re at breakfast, etc.

  • Sanja Tomic

    Sanja Tomic


    I stayed one night, because I had an early flight. The room was nice and spacious. I asked when I checked in about the breakfast, they told me they can prepare a packet for me. I asked for a diabetic one, and pointed out that I don't eat white bread. They said it was not a problem. In the morning there was no one at the reception where i was suppose to pick up the breakfast and finally when I got it, the packet contained a white bread sandwich and a bunch of sweets.

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