Ülemiste Rimi super i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandÜlemiste Rimi super



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4, Suur-Sõjamäe, 11415, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 681 1360
internet side: www.rimi.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.421737, Longitude: 24.794823

kommentar 5

  • Edgar Spongolts

    Edgar Spongolts


    All new and shittier experience. There is no service at the deli. Fridge doors sound like they haven't seen any oil, ever.

  • Seyi Smiles

    Seyi Smiles


    Beautiful place. Also very Massive.

  • Aleksandras Sharpilo

    Aleksandras Sharpilo


    Prices are higher than in others Baltic States. In all other - good place to visit

  • Jenya Mikhaylova Leite

    Jenya Mikhaylova Leite


    Big supermarket you could find all that you need. Prices are reasonable, and many promotions help to buy smth for the low price

  • G Pg

    G Pg


    Good prices if you have the Rimi card... quite good quality food, canned tuna by Rimi is one of the best tuna for that price... you can find a big variety of food and not only that... the line is almost always quite long so keep in mind that you have to stay in line for long time. I wouldn't go there if I don't need to buy something in one of the shops in Ülemiste keskus. More you go far from Tallinn center, better prices you can find. I mean... A Rimi in Mustamäe is much cheaper than a Rimi in center. If you have time...

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