V Spa Hotel and Conference centre i Tartu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandV Spa Hotel and Conference centre



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2, Riia, 51004, Tartu, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 677 6677
internet side: www.vspahotel.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 58.3764238, Longitude: 26.7287873

kommentar 5

  • en

    Liisi Reisenbuk


    We had a lovely two night stay at the hotel and SPA. The room was beautiful and clean, bed comfortable. Spa itself was not very exciting with only one pool that wasn't meant specifically for children, but the four hot-tubs and Japanese bath made up for it. I really liked the saunas, especially the juniper sauna, it had a nice mild temperature of 70 degrees and smelled so good. The Finnish sauna felt like a sauna should, I believe it was heated (at least during the sauna ritual) with real firewood and thanks to that there was no dry heat feeling SPA saunas usally have. Steam room smelled lovely as well. The music was very relaxing. There was an odd "relaxation world" downstairs from the sauna area which only had a few chairs and a sandbox for children. We did not visit the salt world. Our package included dinner in the restaurant Joice and breakfast. Both meals were very good and the service very proffecional.

  • en

    Baiba Gulbe


    Great spa and accomondation. Good breakfast. Very city location. 5 min by foot to city hall.

  • Maria Papli Cook

    Maria Papli Cook


    Okay for Tartu, wouldn't stay in a place like this in a bigger city. Very overcrowded, especially at the spa and spa bar service was unfriendly. It's pretty and clean though.

  • Vitali Valtanen

    Vitali Valtanen


    Clean and beautiful hotel. Modern interior design, that looks exclusive. Personal was very polite, friendly and helpful. Spa with different relaxation opportunities - pool, saunas, jacuzzi, bar etc. Suitable for romantic couple and family with kids. Great place. Recommending it!

  • Oren Golan

    Oren Golan


    Just spent 6 nights at this place. It was incredible! The Spa is the main attraction with a most impressive facility that is clean and exciting (I've heard it only opened last year!). Really exceeded by expectations. I should add that the food in the restaurant is surprisingly sophisticated for hotel cuisine and can compete with most fine dining restaurants. I had a couple of meals there, and the breakfast was great too (aside from the orange juice which was a bit weak...). I should add the servers at the breakfast are extremely courteous and attentive. Particularly the server Marcus comes to mind who remarkably remembered myself and my colleagues' room number from the start and offered an attentive and warm welcome to every meal. Much recommended!

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