Olde Hansa i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandOlde Hansa



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1, Vana turg, 10146, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 627 9020
internet side: www.oldehansa.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.436656, Longitude: 24.745902

kommentar 5

  • Shannon Pawloski

    Shannon Pawloski


    Fun, if touristy, spot right around the corner from the town square. I loved the atmosphere outside, so I sat on the front patio for wine and dessert. Service started out relatively fast but slowed down immensely in spite of (or perhaps because of) the small number of people on the front patio. I had to go in search of my waiter to pay the bill. Overall though, relaxing spot - great for a slow, laid-back meal (and people-watching, if you're so inclined).

  • Jake Levine

    Jake Levine


    It was a fun restaurant, and the food was very tasty, however once we were seated, nobody brought us menus for 20 minutes, so we had to go ask for them, and then after that no waiter came by for 40 minutes so we had to go find one again. After this there weren't any problems but we did not have a great time sitting around and waiting.

  • johan palola

    johan palola


    Have been 2 times and food has been really good. And the candle lit dining halls are just amazing, it must be over 50 candles per room? there is also interesting traditional live music. Very good place to forget the modern world for a moment. Will return to try the bear.

  • P Kane

    P Kane


    Wonderful experience while tucked in a candle-lit corner on the 3rd floor. Food was impressive and well-prepared and varied. Drinks are unique, but they work well with the fare. Pacing between courses could have been tightened up. Took 2 hours for 5 adults and 2 kids to work their way through the prix fixe lunch. Kids were included as free with the 5 adults at approx 45 Euro a piece plus drinks.

  • Bill Daly

    Bill Daly


    Loved it! Like traveling back in time. Authentic and outstanding food, service, decor and live music!! Would definitely recommend. Family friendly too :)

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