Restaurant Vanaema Juures (Grandma's Place) i Tallinn

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EstlandRestaurant Vanaema Juures (Grandma's Place)



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10, Rataskaevu, 10123, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 626 9080
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Latitude: 59.4371364, Longitude: 24.7427562

kommentar 5

  • Mabel Cheng

    Mabel Cheng


    The restaurant was recommended by a local Estonian, it offers local grandma-made Estonian food. Most of the dishes are made from the simple ingredients but well done. Ordered a main and a soup which costs 19.5 euros. It’s a comfy restaurant. :)

  • A B

    A B


    Good simple food, well prepared. Nice authentic servers, too. Only downside: portions could be bigger and for people from Germany or similar countries it's a bit boring, since it's something you would eat at home: potatoes, sausages, eggs etc. But it's well prepared, so if you like this, definitely go here.

  • Michel den Uijl

    Michel den Uijl


    The food is amazing and seems to be actually Estonian. Simple but delicious! The lady waitresses were nice but it was a bit too busy for them; the restaurant was completely full. Prices are reasonable.

  • Horacio Sierra

    Horacio Sierra


    This cozy, underground restaurant will make you feel like you are eating at a clandestine spot when Estonia was part of the Soviet Block. Unfortunately, the service is slow and the “grandmother” who does the cooking is mediocre. We had four different plates and the best items were the complimentary Estonian black bread and the mustard sauce on the steak. At least it feels a little less touristy than the restaurants along the main plaza.

  • Elizabeth Toney

    Elizabeth Toney


    A very comfortable and homey feeling from the very beginning. The Estonian black bread was the best I've had. I got the Sunday roast, it was so incredibly flavorful! Really high quality "home" cooking. I also tried the lamb patties, well seasoned and the pepper gravy was great. Neat environment and friendly staff, I highly recommend!

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