Seaplane Harbour в Tallinn

ЭстонияSeaplane Harbour



🕗 время открытия

15, Küti, 10415, Tallinn, EE Estonia
контакты телефон: +372 641 1408
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 59.4513787, Longitude: 24.738423

Комментарии 5

  • Hans Parel

    Hans Parel


    Great exhibitions, well maintained. Has great entertainment for children of all ages as well as adults. Very nice atmosphere, good layout, can take between 1 to 5 hours depending on how much you are willing to find out about the exhibitions.

  • en

    vago bature


    Perfect setup and interactive features. Is kids friendly and good spent time on a cold day. You will need at least 3 hrs

  • Mark H

    Mark H


    Fascinating place. It's an old 1918's Seaplane hangar that's been turned into a maritime muesem.

  • Roger Smith

    Roger Smith


    Restored seaplane hanger housing maritime museum. The building itself is interesting, as it was derelict in 2009, and was restored over many years. Prime article on display is a submarine from the 1930's that was a float until 2011, making it the oldest submarine afloat at the time. You can go down into it and walk the whole length. Very interesting, as it is very original. Other exhibits include an original seaplane, ice yachts, sailing boats, ice yachts, search and rescue helicopter and much more. Lots to see, but not cheap at 14€.

  • Anu K

    Anu K


    A very enjoyable museum even for adults and people who are not usually maritime enthusiasts. I bought the €16 ticket which also grants access to the other part of the Estonian Maritime Museum in Fat Margaret Tower (less than 2 km away) which I plan to visit on another occasion, so this review is only about the Seaplane Harbour. The most interesting parts for me were the submarine Lembit (inside the museum) and the ice breaker Suur Tõll (docked outside in the water). I love the setup of the whole place - it is basically a huge plane hangar encompassing a bridge which divides the space into several levels. There is also a smaller steeper bridge at the far side of the building but unfortunately, it is only accessibe during a guided tour; nevertheless, the views from the main bridge were still breath-taking. I appreciated the variety of interactive displays, some were even virtual reality experiences; however, be prepared to queue for these activities if you visit during the weekend. The waiting time wasn't helped by some of the displays being out of service; for example, there were 2 flight simulators but only 1 of them was operational. The temporary exhibition 'Mayday' was also great - you got to go inside a real rescue helicopter. There was a small cafe called Maru inside the museum, we only stopped for a quick drink but it seemed quite nice with both hot and cold dishes, desserts etc. The gift shop had several unique sea-themed souvenirs. Highly recommend this place, even just to be able to see the actual museum building itself which is beautiful and unique.

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