Viru Backpackers Hostel в Tallinn

ЭстонияViru Backpackers Hostel


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5, Viru, 10133, Tallinn, EE Estonia
контакты телефон: +372 644 0298
большая карта и направления
Latitude: 59.4369092, Longitude: 24.747688

Комментарии 5

  • en

    Anna Bahhovskaja


    Nice place, quiet. Good bed and room. Nice reception. Great value for money.

  • en

    Becky Rosoman


    Overall enjoyed our stay. Pros: perfect location in the old town, walking distance to everything. Friendly and helpful staff, the receptionist made a conscious effort to say hello/goodbye every time we arrived/left. Breakfast was delicious. Cons: place was quite difficult to find, only a small piece of paper on the wall. Can get noisy as in the middle of the old town but the hostel does provide earplugs. Mattress was not very comfortable, could feel the springs. The bathrooms are right by reception so did not feel very private. The receptionist tried to charge us for the room when we arrived even though it was prepaid. It took a bit of convincing and showing our bank statement to prove we had paid already which was frustrating. Overall though we had a nice stay and would recommend.

  • Tatsiana Shyrma

    Tatsiana Shyrma


    One of the best hostels I've been to. Right in the center of the old town. Very clean, cosy and the girls at the reception are great. Also free coffe and tea.

  • Sergey Sgonnik

    Sergey Sgonnik


    В самом центре Старого Таллинна рядом с Ратушной площадью. Внимательный радушный мульти -язычный персонал. Приемлемый прайс за услуги. Рекомендую!

  • Adrian Koo

    Adrian Koo


    I was in Tallinn for one night and needed a cheap, yet strategic place to stay. First, and most importantly, this Hostel is not the easiest to find. There is a small piece of paper posted on the main Viru road, but that's about it. You have to buzz the reception using the pad at the gate. The gate is right next to a women's store. I spent 10 minutes trying to figure out where the place was, and had to resort to looking at other reviews to figure it out. The hostel is small but clean. There are single rooms and mixed rooms. I stayed in a single room. There is free breakfast, with hot pancakes, served every morning which is great for a budget traveler. Free tea/coffee whenever you want. There's a small kitchen, about 2-3 restrooms, and a couple of showers. The showers could have been a little cleaner, but it got the job done. The water temperature was a hit or miss when I was there. Sometimes it would turn cold for several minutes. Location-wise, you cannot get better than this. It's right on the main Viru road directly in the heart of the Old Town. From the ship terminals, it's about a 15-20 minute walk. Restaurants are abundant around the area, the viewing platforms are about 10 minutes away by foot. I would definitely recommend this Hostel to any budget travel looking to meet new people and have a good time in Tallinn.

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