Bowling KUULSAAL i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandBowling KUULSAAL



🕗 åbningstider

6, Mere puiestee, 10111, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 661 6682
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.4393602, Longitude: 24.7542803

kommentar 5

  • Kemeny S

    Kemeny S


    Bad service, good atmosphere. 12 lines on 2 floor. One beer is 4.3 EUR, so not really cheap. The service is a really disappointimg, no smile, no communication, quite unprofessional. Happy hour from 17.00 to 19.00. No WiFi code was given when I asked.




    I've been to this place multiple times, enjoyed it every time. They have a fairly large area of bowling and billiard/pool options. Friendly staff and nice snacks. The place is located in the center so it's fairly easy to get to it.

  • Svetlana Guljajeva

    Svetlana Guljajeva


    Great place, convenient location, two floors of bowling lanes, each Lane has its own table, pretty spacious, in addition one can move over to a separate table if a.comoany wants to continue their evening after bowling time is up.

  • Mohamed Bouya Maalainine

    Mohamed Bouya Maalainine


    A great place with a great service. Definitely recommended for bowling enthusiasts and first-timers. If you encounter any problem, the staff will resolve it immediately.

  • Andy Boulard

    Andy Boulard


    Unsmiling bartender even when tipped. Wasn't able to order during happy hour even couple minutes before the end. Doesn't care when we notice him these. Not specially cheap, regular bowling. Couldn't finish our game. Not a place to visit in Tallinn.

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