Zelluloos Bowling i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandZelluloos Bowling



🕗 åbningstider

80b, Tartu maantee, 10112, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 681 0881
internet side: www.zbowling.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.4262531, Longitude: 24.7796599

kommentar 5

  • Maria Vahuri

    Maria Vahuri


    Very much enjoyed the game but the screens need updating, it's very hard to read what they say.

  • Polina Nyakova

    Polina Nyakova


    The hall is located on the territory of the former factory. There is also a bar and slot machines. The tracks are located close to each other and the tables next to the tracks, respectively. Therefore, the hall becomes crowded, if most of the tracks are occupied. The hall is not equipped with sound-absorbing panels, so it's very noisy.

  • Jaan Niidas

    Jaan Niidas


    Great place where to hang with friends or have fun time with family!

  • en

    Tõnis Praks


    Nice place to bowling, parking is free for 2 hours if you mark your car in bar.

  • en

    Marko Tummi


    Generally ok place to spend time, old fashioned and behind the corner in an alley

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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