Fat Margaret's Hostel i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandFat Margaret's Hostel


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27, Põhja puiestee, 10415, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 510 0916
internet side: www.fatmargarets.ee
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Latitude: 59.4442403, Longitude: 24.7490286

kommentar 5

  • Konrad Osmólski

    Konrad Osmólski


    Woah! That is the best Hostel I've ever been in! What a localization! 3 minutes to Old Town, about 10 minutes to Creative City, 35 minutes walk to Kardiorg Park and 5 minutes walk to the beach/harbour! Really tidy, great place and people are so, so nice!

  • Larry Melton

    Larry Melton


    Great location to the old city and walking distance from the ferry terminal! Be warned though, there is NO ELEVATOR! Our room was on the 4th floor 😌. They have a sauna, common room, and free (sketchy) wifi.

  • Ondurach



    Clean mattress, sheets, pillow and everything felt and was clean and good. Receptionist was very friendly and kind. I stayed for only a night, but overall i had no complaints over it, as a hostel. It's about 10 to 15 minute walking distance to the ferry at the harbor, its next to the old town, like 2-3 min walking distance. However the cars and the noise outside can be really loud at night, so consider something to cancel that out. Kitchen and everything was nice and the common area downstairs were nice as well, except for the upstairs shower was a bit awkward to use, but it went well anyway.

  • Coco Cococo

    Coco Cococo


    Outside of the old town, across a very busy road. Worst hostel I have stayed in. Doors to rooms very squeaky. Toilet floor was filthy when I arrived. Staff could do with some manners, instead of throwing the change when I paid for water. No service with a smile here ☹️ Never again would I stay here....just waiting for my three nights to pass quickly. Do yourself a favour and pay a bit extra to stay in one of the better hostels.

  • Marine W

    Marine W


    Nice room, clean. People at the reception were very nice and avaible to answer our questions. Next to the old city center.

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