Center Hotell i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandCenter Hotell


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2, F. R. Kreutzwaldi, 10124, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 5194 5202
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4376639, Longitude: 24.7679772

kommentar 5

  • Martin Susi

    Martin Susi


    Good for the price, a bit small but neat room for really cheap!

  • issa malki

    issa malki


    Good hotel and good service the location of the hotel is amazing and prices is valued

  • Expat Pete

    Expat Pete


    Like others say, the location is great. Breakfast is also good. Check-in was easy, and the receptionists are all fine. The rooms are clean, but the walls are thin so noise can be a problem. The bathroom is clean, and the hot water works. Not a super fancy hotel, but it doesn't really try to be, so it's fine for what it is.

  • Satu A

    Satu A


    Great location. Price-quality ratio ok. Good breakfast. Good for one, max two night stay. Can't recommend in summer, the room was hot as sauna, couldn't sleep!

  • Carla Megias

    Carla Megias


    Probably the worst hotel of Estonia... I came here with a touristic group where all was already planned so I ignored the details in accommodations... what a mistake... I am used to cheap hotel but there are some standards of comfort that need to be respected!!!! The rooms are dirty (food on the floor, hairs in the shower, weird smell...). The beds could be the only normal and « okay » thing if only we could enjoy them: the store doesn’t even cover entirely the window so absolutely all the outside light comes inside. And as if it is not enough, the isolation is so bad that you feel like the road (and the cars, trucks...) is just in your room. To keep going with the isolation, the store moves because of the air entering in the room... perfect for the bed just next to the window! So don’t go there if you are doing a touristic trip and need some proper and real rest... or just if you don’t want to feel like sleeping on the side of a road! You can probably find a hotel as cheap as this one but at least decent and with some basis of comfort.

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