Manna La Roosa i Tallinn

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EstlandManna La Roosa



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15, Vana-Viru, 10111, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 620 0249
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Latitude: 59.4374215, Longitude: 24.752628

kommentar 5

  • en

    katherine Gutarra


    What a such nice things,place, flavor,the decorations of the place is incredible look for me a little like Coco movie or Alice Wonderland ,the presentation of the dishes very unique and the flavor is exquisite .Very high recommend.

  • Alex Wiley

    Alex Wiley


    Extremely unique restaurant, the decor is absolutely the main reason to visit. There is a decent drink menu with rotating seasonal selection of in house mixes. Shorter food menu, but the food we had was very good.

  • Dayane Oliveira

    Dayane Oliveira


    This place is so nice and quirky!! Very creative decor and the staff are so nice and attentive (I love the identical twin brothers, they got me confused at some point lol). The cocktails are AMAZING, as well as the food. I recommed this place to everyone, make sure you book in advance (evenings and weekends) as it's very popular!

  • Toni Yksjärvi

    Toni Yksjärvi


    Very nice interior, good price drinks. Recommended place for nice hanging and also dinner available. Good service, warm feeling.

  • Austin B

    Austin B


    Just on edge of old town. Good food and drink selection. Pleasant and attractive staff. Funky decor. We had hours of comfortable chats here on couches. Also good people watching spot. Seems popular. Affordable prices.

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