Beer House i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandBeer House



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5, Dunkri, 10123, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 644 2222
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4368769, Longitude: 24.7438541

kommentar 5

  • Jale Mäkilä

    Jale Mäkilä


    Food was excellent, or at least the pizza. Service was ice cold, drinks weren’t. “One table one bill, I don’t have time” Really? Won’t be coming back.

  • Arnau Viñeglas Barba

    Arnau Viñeglas Barba


    Excellent food and beer. This beer house is fantastic, authentic. The personal is top, the best of the city.

  • Francisco José Arroyo Calzada

    Francisco José Arroyo Calzada


    It is a very interesting place that is worth a visit. To have a beer (wirh a large list to choose from) or to have lunch or dinner, I recommend to visit it even if you think it can be a tourist trap because of its great location. There is covered outdoor seating but the inside is much more interesting: There is a classic wooden area and a kind of courtyard with small rooms and a.nice atmosphere. Regarding the menu, it is based on traditional estonian meals, and the king is the pork knuckle (delicious). Together with an starter it is more than enough for two people.

  • Jessica Panicucci

    Jessica Panicucci


    We really enjoyed our dinner here. The beer selection was good too! They have outdoor seating, which was nice since in the summer the sun is out until about 11PM. They have traditional Estonian singing and dancing on Friday and Saturdays, which unfortunately, we missed. They are also a short walk from the main square.

  • Mikko Tyllinen

    Mikko Tyllinen


    Great place! Huge selection of beers! Awesome atmosphere..feels like you are in a pirate ship! So cool! You should try testing of 7 bears and then choose your favorite!

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