Rae Restoran i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandRae Restoran



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10, Raekoja plats, 10123, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 644 3988
internet side: www.raerestoran.ee
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.4376849, Longitude: 24.7454579

kommentar 5

  • fi

    Madis Kuhi


    Hyvää ruokaa ja viihtyisä paikka.

  • Arman ACAR

    Arman ACAR


    Hızlı servis ve mantıklı fiyatlar. Old Town’ın göbeğinde ve açık alanı var.

  • Antti Vainiokangas

    Antti Vainiokangas


    Idyllinen ravintola Vanhassa Kaupungissa, jossa oli todella hyvä asiakaspalvelu. Ruoka oli hyvää ja jälkiruokajäätelöannos oli runsas. Ehkä valikoima olisi voinut olla hieman laajempi. Vahva suositus!

  • The JennyFish

    The JennyFish


    Despite a negative comment of my friends who had visited Rae on the Valentine's day, I visited this restaurant last week for dinner. I am vegan, but went there to accompany a friend who wished to try out this relatively new place. There is only one 100% vegan option which is cold stewed veggies (about 100g) for starter and that's it. Alright, maybe the restaurant is not meant for vegans, I understand. But my veggies were soaked and drowned in oil... The waitress assured me that buckwheat with mushrooms was vegan, but it was drowned in cream, I'm 100% sure it came from a cow. (and same old oil).. On the picture i posted you'll see my dish and duck salad that my friend had ordered... I didn't like the service, it was quite "cold" and indifferent. Nothing bad to say, but nothing good either. Why am I giving 3 stars though I didn't like the place? - all the credits go to the interior design. That was awesome. Perhaps worth going for a cup of coffee or a glass of wine to enjoy the ambiance, nothing more. P.s. they don't have plant milk, so vegans drink options are also quite limited.

  • es

    Virginia Vilar


    La ubicación que tiene en plena plaza principal de Tallin la pierde con comida muy pobre, muy escasa y muy muy cara.

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