Mint leaf i Tallinn

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EstlandMint leaf



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12, Rävala puiestee, 10143, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 660 6290
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4327499, Longitude: 24.7520746

kommentar 5

  • Christian Tammerik

    Christian Tammerik


    I can recommend this place for its great cuisine - the food was delicious. However, I can't say the same for the service. This place tries to be a high-end restaurant, but the service personnel is not checking on the customers, instead they prefer to be behind the counter and type messages on their phones. This place was completely empty, yet again, we had to wait for over an hour for our dish to arrive - as they forgot to enter the order into the system (!) Luckily, the owner noticed that and solved the issue swiftly. Another reason, why I cannot give more that two stars for this restaurant, is that the chef of the restaurant walked out from the kitchen holding his phone in his hands - this, however, is a health and safety hazard!

  • Silver Kalve

    Silver Kalve


    Väike keelebarjäär, aga pole viga. Džinnivalik tundub piisav.

  • en

    Kristi Rebane


    Got the food delivered, so unfortunately couldn't even send it back to the kitchen. Very very poor food - the cheese naan was underbaked (that's the one food I really don't want "al dente"...) with a stripe of raw dough in the middle. The saag paneer was heavily overseasoned (not spicy, but very salty) and in the foil container, for the whole portion, in the spinach puree, I found only 5 small cheese squares. 8 euros for the dish? It seems the cook really didn't pay attention what he put in my bag. The only good part was the papadums that came complimentary - to make up for the poor quality of my actual order? Also, if the kitchen is eventually reading this - please don't pack your cheese naans to aluminium foil - the cheese sticks to the aluminium and the bread will not come off its package. Definitely not going back - too bad of an experience to even give them another chance.

  • en



    Tasty punjabi cuisine i like it a lot.

  • en

    Aleksandr Halturin


    Perfect place for relax with good cocktail and tasty hookah. Nice service.

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