Shark Baltic OÜ i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandShark Baltic OÜ


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8, Raekoja plats, 10146, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 631 4227
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4376556, Longitude: 24.7451636

kommentar 2

  • Katri Weiste

    Katri Weiste


    Ihana terassi, upealla paikalla. Hyvä paikka istahtaa hetkeksi ja katsella kaunista kaupunkia.

  • Stanislav Chakhovich

    Stanislav Chakhovich


    Unfortunately, we have decided to choose this restaurant for our lunch in Tallinn in August. The prices were clearly high and we expected the food to be on the same level. My pasta was quite bad as there was too much cheese on the top and otherwise it was not particularly warm. My wife and one of my children had pizza each, which they were not able to finish -- the taste was not good. The only satisfied customer in my family was my other child, who had sausage and french fries, which turned out to be fine. Another surprise we received with the bill -- we were charged €12 for 2 liters of still water, which (I think) came from the tap. Our recommendation: try to avoid!

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