Chedi i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Sulevimägi, 10123, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 646 1676
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Latitude: 59.440368, Longitude: 24.748098

kommentar 5

  • 刘雯倩



    Very tasteful and authentic Chinese food. Interior design is supreme and classy! All worth! Definitely a great choice when chill in Tallinn!

  • Marie Blankenburg

    Marie Blankenburg


    So delicious! Very good food and nice atmosphere...

  • ronnie tan

    ronnie tan


    Had the pork ribs and pi pa duck with rice for lunch. A bit to sweet for me but probably suit local tastes. Nice ambience and location in old town but away from crowded town square area. Very good service and slightly high prices. Authentic dishes on menu.

  • Maria Alves

    Maria Alves


    Love it! We have been visiting this restaurant for almost 8 years now, and it is still as good as it used to be! The food is delicious, the atmosphere is nice and sophisticated and the service is always really good. Thank you, guys, for keeping a high level of service for many years ☺☺

  • Mikk Tamme

    Mikk Tamme


    Chedi is very good fusion Asian food. Has been so for years. I have taken some Asian friends there in a few occasions and they have always been very happy with the food. There is some dim sum, there is Pi Pa Duck, there is some good vegetarian options. The sauces coming with the food are also very good. :)

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