MOON i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Võrgu, 10415, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 631 4575
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Latitude: 59.4451637, Longitude: 24.7478027

kommentar 5

  • Helen Kalde

    Helen Kalde


    This Russian-style restaurant was opened in 2009 and was titled as the best restaurant in Tallinn in 2010. Everything tastes and looks great. Pirozhki (hand-made stuffed pies) are a must have! Also the desserts were so delicious.

  • Ella Niinimäki

    Ella Niinimäki


    The food was insanely good, if you only visit one good restaurant in Tallinn this has to be it!! We were also very impressed with the service: perfectly timed everything! This is how a dining experience should always be. By the way a huge recommendation for the Siberian dumplings!!

  • Ondřej Jaroš

    Ondřej Jaroš


    Great, interestingly plated food inspired by mother Russia. Friendly and professional staff full of smiles and recommendations. Reservation recommended in busy hours.

  • Jonathan Walford

    Jonathan Walford


    Amazing. What a great experience. The staff were super friendly and happy to talk knowledgeably about the menu. The book us were a revelation, but dill was replaced by cress because they'd run out(?) hence only 4 stars. The chicken Kiev was quality, and the mashed potato to die for! In addition, the Georgian white wine we had was delicious. Recommended.

  • Valentine Gogichashvili

    Valentine Gogichashvili


    We came to have a desert and it was a really nice experience. I had the modern Napoleon. It was superb. Not very sweet and really well balanced. The service was good with very polite servers.

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