Pizza Americana i Tallinn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EstlandPizza Americana



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2, Kaarli puiestee, 10142, Tallinn, EE Estonia
kontakter telefon: +372 644 8837
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4331838, Longitude: 24.7418951

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Mikheev

    Alexander Mikheev


    Didn't like the food at all - it was more like a cheese pie than a pizza with too much onion on it. The pastry has become too heavy in my belly, making me windy for the last of the evening. Better find another place.

  • Felix Efren

    Felix Efren


    Amazing value for the burguer

  • Aminul Islam

    Aminul Islam


    May be the best pizza place in the town. Small and cozy place. Friendly and helpful employees. Nice place to sit and enjoy the best pizza

  • Sevil Guler

    Sevil Guler


    I Love the taste and i visit it all the time whenever i visit Estonia. Only problem here is service - people could be more friendly and caring i believe.

  • Ronnie Tidy

    Ronnie Tidy


    Speedy service (yet we went there just after 18:00 when it was rather quiet), food is good, my partner ordered a seafood pizza, he enjoyed it. I ordered chicken burger. The chips were very nice, crispy & not greasy, the burger is also good. Comparing with its delivery food the eating in ones are so much better.

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